Wheels Day with REAP

Thank you to all our fabulous whanau who were able to bring in Wheels to help support our wheels day. Mercia, Janelle and Tori from REAP came in to school to help us with out bike safety message. All students made a pledge to always keep safe while using a pushbike and to always wear a helmet. At the end of our activities all participants were given a torch to keep!! Lucky kids.
I want to also give a shout out to Emma and Susan who came in and helped us for the day, which included going and getting extra bikes and helmets for us to use.

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By |2015-06-08T20:55:37+00:003rd June 2015|Te Puna, Te Rangi|1 Comment

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One Comment

  1. Tremaine katene 25 August 2015 at 6:24 pm - Reply

    Hi every one I want to say hi hi sorry okay id like to say hi to Olivia,luke,Mrs h,layson,emaly,noah and others I hard mrs Edward is the new thing well yea bye

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