Envirogroup mahi

19th June 2015

Today one group of Envirogroup students headed for the food forest.  These students were practising the type of mulching termed ‘chop and drop’ by Matua Jarrod.  The food forest has abundant canna biomass which is perfect for this technique.


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These girls got right into the mulching and attacked the cannas with great vigour, endless energy and an eye for detail and completeness.  Parent volunteer Garth Riddle helped out with shifting large branches and later used his chainsaw to remove a diseased citrus tree.  We discussed that an insect called citrus borer had damaged the tree to the point where it was not going to be able to recover (even with any potential treatment) and made a consensus decision that the best thing was to remove it.  The citrus trees in this part of the food forest are planted very densely and they tend to suffer from sooty mould.  We are hoping the removal of this tree will help improve air flow round the trees and reduce the sooty mould problem for the remaining trees.

By |2016-07-06T20:11:07+00:0019th May 2015|Te Puna|0 Comments

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