Swimming Sports 2016

Wednesday the 9th of March 2016 - Beautiful weather for our swimming sports today where families and whanau were treated to a display of students swimming skills. From tiny bodies showing their increasing confidence in [...]

By |2016-07-05T22:18:35+00:005th July 2016|Sports|0 Comments

Taipa Zone Athletics

Another great day for all the students from Te Rangi. Sun and a great day competition wise. All of our students competed and all tried their hardest. It makes you proud to see our kids [...]

By |2015-06-04T12:29:07+00:0012th December 2013|Sports|0 Comments

Rippa Rugby

Rippa Rugby...............great day................................students played hard..........................never gave up...............................no hassles.......................thanks to all our parents for their support on the day.

By |2013-06-26T20:22:26+00:0012th March 2013|Sports|25 Comments
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